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Lesson 30 Eat a Donut and Turn Right [课前预习·快乐体验] Beauty is but skin-deep.不要以貌取人。 一、写出下列人称代词的宾格形式。 1.he______ 2.they _____ 3.we______ 4.you ______ 5.she ______ 6.it _____ 7.I _____ 二、试着将下列短语译成英语。 1.走失,迷路_________ 2.沿着人行道走______ 3.一张纸_____________ 4.去电影院的路_______ 5.5分钟后___________ 6.沿着这条路径直向前走_____ 三、仔细阅读课本P37的课文,然后完成下列各题。 1.Brian and Danny are going to ____. ? A. see a movie????? B. do some shopping ? C. visit the city?? D. buy some things 2._____ helps Brian when he is lost. ? A. An old man????? B. An old woman ? C. A woman???????? D. A man 3.Does Brian get to the cinema at last? ? A. I don’t think so.???? B. No, he doesn’t ? C. Yes, he is???????????? D. Yes, he does. [课堂练习·高效提升] Ill weeds grow apace.莠草长的快。 四、考考你的记忆力,根据句意及首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。 1.Walk s _____ down the street and you’ll find it. 2.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the c_____? 3.I need a p______ of paper to write. 4.It’s easy for us to be l ______ in the forest. 5.Walk on u ______ you reach the end. 五、慧眼识珠,单项填空。 1.Turn left at ______ traffic lights, you’ll see ____ library in ____ front of you. ? A. the; the; a???? B. the;/;the ? C. a;the;/????????? D. the;the;/ 2.________ the way to the shopping centre I met a friend of ____. ? A. On;my??? B. On;mine??? C. In;my??? D. In;mine 3.Lily ____ come tomorrow or she ____. I’m not sure. ? A. can;can’t??????? B. may;can’t ? C.must;mustn’t????????????? D.may;may not 4.You must be _______when you ______he the road. ? A.careful;cross????? B.carefully;cross ? C.careful;across???? D.carefully;across 5.When he lost his way,a policeman helped him _____time. ? A.on??? B.at????? C.with???? D.in 6.Go ______ the road? _____the end,you’ll see the bookshop. ? A.along;at???? B.down;in???? C.along;to??? D.down;of 7.He did’t go to sleep _____ he finshed ______his homework. ? A.because;do??? B.it; doing?? C.while;to do?? D.until; doing 8.-Could you tell me how to get to the People’s park? ?-______. ? A.No,I couldn’t???? B.No,I can’t???? C.Sorry,I couldn’t ? d.Sorry, I don’t


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