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第43 卷 第20 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.43 No.20 2015 年 10 月16 日 Power System Protection and Control Oct. 16, 2015 交流电流直接控制的单相 PWM 整流器非线性控制策略 杨俊伟,史旺旺 (扬州大学水利与能源动力工程学院,江苏 扬州 225009) 摘要:由于单相电压型PWM 整流器比较难以实现交流电流的直接控制,为了使得系统控制达到期望的效果,根 据反步法在多变量非线性系统的控制方面的诸多优点,设计了基于反步法的非线性控制算法。详细介绍了单相电 压型 PWM 整流器的数学模型,根据电感电容的能量关系分别构造了电压、电流环的Lyapunov 函数,通过 Lyapunov 函数导数的负定,推断出系统的稳定性。且进行了基于 PSIM 的电路仿真,并构建采用 IGBT 全控型开关管的单 相 H 桥的整流电路进行了验证。实验结果显示该方案下能够保证跟踪误差渐近收敛,说明系统设计是正确有效的。 关键词:整流器;脉宽调制;李亚普诺夫函数;反步法;直接电流控制 Nonlinear control strategy for direct AC current control in single-phase PWM rectifier YANG Junwei, SHI Wangwang (College of Hydraulic and Energy Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China) Abstract: The direct control of alternating current is difficult to be realized by the single-phase PWM rectifier. In order to make the system have high control performance and take the many advantages in nonlinear system control aspects, a strategy based on back-stepping method is analyzed and the model of single-phase PWM rectifier is introduced. The Lyapunov functions of the voltage and current loop are designed respectively according to the energy relations of inductance and capacitance, by the negative definite of the function derivative so that the stability of system is deduced. The simulation based on the PSIM is carried out and the circuits of single-phase PWM full bridge rectifier with IGBT as switches are tested. The experimental results show that the scheme can guarantee the trac


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