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包校的各位家长, 感谢您加入 PowerSchool 系统。 本学期,我们需要每个家庭提供一份完整的数据记录。每个家长都 需要登陆 PowerSchool 系统,并在线更新“家庭信息”(请详见附件#1)。 如有橙色显示区域则表示为该数据尚未填写完整(请详见附件#2)。 在学期成绩册公布之前,学校会和未完成家庭信息更新的家长取得联系。请务必尽早完成更新。学 校需要 3 个工作日的时间来处理所有的数据更新。 有许多家长发邮件来咨询 PowerSchool 系统 App 的相关事宜。 苹果和谷歌的应用程序商店里都能提 供该 App 的下载。但此官方应用程序并不是为所有学校专门设计的。包校有许多特殊的定制功能和 语言选项都未受到该 App 的技术支持。目前,该 App 内的大部分数据都不是正确的。2017 年,包校 将会试用该 App 的各项功能。然而,2016 至 2017 学年,如果家长们需要在移动设备上登陆 PowerSchool 系统,请您使用移动客户端的浏览器。(请详见附件#3)。 当系统的移动端应用程序可提供正常使用时,我们会通知各位家长。 请登陆 PowerSchool 系统并开始在线更新您的相关信息 : /public/home.html 感谢您的支持, 包校 PowerSchool 系统技术支持团队 PAO School Parents, Thank you for joining PowerSchool. This semester, we are requiring every family to have a full data record. Every family needs to login to PowerSchool and update the Demographic information (See Attachment #1). Missing areas will be indicated in an orange color (See Attachment #2). Families who do not complete the information will be contacted by the school before semester reports are released. Please do all the updates as soon as possible. The school takes up to three days to process data updates. Many families have been emailing about the official PowerSchool App. This App is available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. The official App is not designed for all schools. PAO School has many special custom features and languages options that are not supported in the App. Most of the data in the App is not correct. In 2017, PAO School will be experimenting with features for the App. However, for the 2016-2017 school year, parents using mobile devices need to use PowerSchool via the Mobile Browser (See Attachment #3).


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