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西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第l页 摘要 苏通长江大桥主桥是跨径为1088m双塔双索面钢箱梁斜拉桥,是目前世 界上在建的跨度最大的斜拉桥。该论文以苏通长江大桥主桥为工程背景,研 究其施工过程中误差的来源及产生的原因。 由于目前对大跨度钢箱梁斜拉桥参数对整个施工过程和成桥状态的影响 研究较少,所以该论文对大跨度斜拉桥施工过程中的误差特性和来源进行研 究,并采用敏感度分析方法,就主梁自重、拉索刚度等结构参数对结构在施 工过程和成桥状态的影响进行分析,找出了对结构状态影响较大的主要参数。 针对能显著影响桥梁结构的计算参数,探索了运用神经网络技术进行参 数识别的方法。论文探讨了神经网络方法在斜拉桥施工控制中应用的可能性。 并利用非线性有限元软件NLABS对苏通大桥进行计算,得到了神经网络训练 和测试的样本。建立了以BP神经网络为基础的斜拉桥施工控制参数识别模型, 采用MATLAB程序设计语言编制了参数识别程序。最后,将识别结果与待识别 参数的真实值比较,验证了BP神经网络在斜拉桥施工控制中应用的可行性。 关键词: 苏通长江大桥:施工控制;参数敏感性分析;参数识别;‘BP神经网 络 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第lI页 __-一——_—___———___-—l————_——______—__㈣-—--—_㈣_—_ Abstract The main bridge of Sutong Yangtze River Bridge under construction IS a e鑫ble.stayed bridge with steel box girder of double pylons and cable planes with main span of 1088m,which will be the longest span cable-stayed bridge in the world aftef completion.In this thesis,taking the construction control of Sutong Yangtze River Bridge as the project background,the sources and reasons of the errors of the construction of Sutong Yangtze River Bridge are studied. Because the study of the influence of parameters on whole construction course and completed bridge state of long—span cable··stayed bridges with steel box girder is lack、the characteristics and the reasons of the errors are investigated Ill the thesis.Then based on sensitive analysis of parameters,the effects on the structure in construction course and completed bridge state of dead-weight of the bridge girder、rigidity of stay cable and SO on are studied.At last,the key parameters are determined. With regard to parameters that may remarkably affect the computed results of the bridge structure,the method of parameter identification based on neural network technology is put forward。The possibility of the application of the neural network method in the construction control of cable-stayed bridge is explored.By analyzing the Sutong Yangtze River Bridge using the nonlinear analysis system‘ NLABS,samples are obtained.Based on



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