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V o l N o
1997 年 12 月 . 1997
T ransactions of the CSA E D ec
蹇兴东 彭嵩植
提 要 根据小麦精播高产栽培农艺要求, 研制了滚筒式小麦单粒精密排种器。介绍了排种器的
结构和工作原理, 给出了排种器台架试验结果。单粒排种频率可达 45 粒·s- 1 , 合格指数在 75. 86
以上, 种子破损率小于 0. 49 % , 一个滚筒式排种器可以同时播 2~ 6 行小麦。
关键词 滚筒 小麦 精密 排种器
W ork ing Pr inc iple of Cylinder
Single seed Prec ision Feeder for W hea t
J ia n Xing dong Pe ng S ong zhi
( , )
N anj ing A g ricu ltu ral U niversity N anj ing
Abstract A new type of cylinder p recision feeder fo r w heat w as repo rted in th is paper.
T he structu re and w o rk ing p rincip le of the feeder w ere described. O ne set of the feeder can
2~ 6 , 45 ,
sow row s the feeding rate of single seed is seeds per second the co rrect rate is
over 75. 86 % and the sp lit rate is less 0. 49 %. T he experim en tal resu lts indicate that the
sow ing perfo rm ance of the feeder is advanced com paring w ith o ther ex isting p recision feed
ers fo r w heat.
Key words P recision feed W heat Cylinder feeder
1 引 言
小麦精播高产栽培技术具有省种高产的优点。为推广这项农艺技术, 必须研制高性能的
〔1~ 3 〕
小槽轮式、弹性滚轮式和倾斜轮孔式等几种小麦精密排种器 。我们研制的滚筒式小麦单
2 排种