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第 17 卷第 5 期 中国有色金属学报 2007 年 5 月
Vol.17 No.5 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals May 2007
欧阳鸿武,余文焘,何世文,陈 欣,黄劲松
( 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,长沙 410083)
摘 要:利用激光束扫描金属粉末过程中的球化效应,探索了将异形黄铜粉转化为球形粉末的可行途径,研究了
−5 −2 −4
析。结果表明:粉末的球化、铺展和收缩过程非常短暂,分别在 10 、10 和 10 s 以内完成,且粒度越细,历
协同的条件下才能实现,对于粒度小于 50 μm 的异形黄铜粉,在激光功率为 500 W、扫描速度为 30 mm/s 时转化
中图分类号:TF 123.1 文献标识码:A
Spherical brass powder fabricated by laser scanning
OUYANG Hong-wu, YU Wen-tao, HE Shi-wen, CHEN Xin, HUANG Jin-song
(Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The irregular particle may melt rapidly and then retract to spherical particle through balling effect by laser
beam scanning. The approach of transferring irregular brass powder into spherical powder by laser scanning was explored.
The influences of laser power and scanning speed of laser beam and the process of melting, spreading and retracting were
analyzed theoretically. The results show that the times of melting, spreading and retracting are very short, which are about
−5, 10−2 and 10−4 s. And the smaller the particle size is, the quicker the process is. When the laser power was 500 W and
scanning speed was 30 mm/s, the spherical brass powder is made from irregular brass powder with diameter of 50 μm.
The interval between spreading and retracting is cr