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PAGE \* MERGE PAGE \* MERGE?FORMA?T 1 八: 1. 在传统戏剧?《白蛇传》里,白蛇以美女?化身来到人?间,爱上了许仙?,与之结为夫?妻。(in the shape? of) 1. In the tradi?tiona?l Chine?se opera?, The White? Snake?, the white? Snake? comes? down to the earth? in the shape? of a beaut?iful girl and falls? in love with Xuxia?n to whom she gets marri?ed later?. 2. 她一看到血?就会头晕。(at the sight? of) 2. She feels? dizzy? at the sight? of blood?. 3. 他今天上课?时不停地打?盹。(drows?e) 3. He kept drows?ing off in class? this morni?ng. 4. 他全盘道出?了两家不和?的事实。(relat?e) 4. He relat?ed the whole? story? of the long-stand?ing dispu?te betwe?en the two famil?ies. 5. 她一想起她?那死于车祸?的孩子就泪?水涟涟。(at the thoug?ht of) 5. She would? burst? into tears? at the thoug?ht of her child? kille?d in a traff?ic accid?ent. 6. 我突然明白?他原来是想?帮助我。(dawn on) 6. It dawne?d on me that he was actua?lly tryin?g to help me. 7. 他们三人藏?身的岩洞仅?有两米高。 (no more than) 7. The cave for the three? of them to hide in was no more than two metre?s high. 九: 1. 那天晚上詹?姆斯(James?)和你一起吃?晚饭了吗?(in quest?ion) 1. Did James? have suppe?r with you on the night? in quest?ion? 2. 教练对比赛?的最终结果?表示满意。(untim?ate) 2. The coach? was satis?fied with the ultim?ate victo?ry of the match?. 3. 为了排除各?国人民交往?中的语言障?碍,许多语言学?家都在研究?新的世界语?。(embar?k on) 3. To remov?e the lingu?istic? barri?ers in commu?nicat?ion among? the peopl?es of the world?, lingu?ists have embar?ked on the study? of a new unive?rsal langu?age. 4. 合资企业的?出现使我们?有了更多接?触外国人的?机会。(conta?ct with) 4. The emerg?ence of joint?-ventu?re enter?prise?s has incre?ased our oppor?tunit?ies to have conta?ct with forei?gners?. 5. 妈妈嘱咐他?收拾起桌上?的零碎东西?,把它们放进?抽屉里。(bits and piece?s) 5. Mothe?r asked? him to gathe?r up the bits and piece?s of his belon?gings? from the desk and put them in the drawe?r. 6. 因为一句小?小的玩笑,他们之间发?生了一场争?吵。(arise? out of) 6. Their? argum?ent arose? out of a small? joke. 7. 照片不清楚?,我认不出其?中的女孩。(ident?ify) 7. The pictu?re is too blurr?ed for me to ident?ify the girl in it. 8. 如果有人说?他自己能和?鬼神交流,你会信吗?(claim?



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