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商务英语复习笔记 Matthew Effect: 马太效应 [From Bible] —The Matthew Effect is the phenomenon that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer Matthew effect (sociology), for fame, status, or economic capital Matthew effect (education), for how new readers acquire the skills to read International Trade: (Definition) It is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another. Trade for money Trade for goods – barter Domestic Trade vs. International Trade Country / Law/ Money/ Language/ Culture/ Negotiation/ Cost/ Transportation Types of International trade: Free Trade: Government imposes no or little tax on import goods. Bilateral Trade: Trade between two countries. Transit Trade: Trade among three countries. [Mainland→Hongkong→U.S.] Barter Trade: Trade in total Visible trade: Trade without using currency.看得见的 General trade: Goods Invisible trade: Transport, services, insurance, technology, patent, copyright, tourism.看不见的 Trade surplus: Export Import Trade deficit: Export Import Foreign Trade: Trade with other countries Merchandise 商品 货物 买卖 销售 Trade surplus 顺差 --deficit 逆差(亏损) Compensation Trade: Equipment (Contract 1) A B U.S dollars U.S. dollars Promise supervision C Buy back (Contract 2) Explanation: A: European countries that want to sell equipment. B: Chinese companies that don’t have enough U.S dollars and technique. C: Bank B→A: Money can be paid back in 4-5 years and effect payment every 6 months. C→A: If B fails to pay for the equipment, Bank will pay for B. B→A: Buyback when B can’t sell well in the International Market. Practice: Chinese Co. trades with Japanese Co. foreign trade Both tourism insurance are forms of __ invisible trade ____. People trade goods or services without the exchange of money. Barter trade Foreign Co. pro


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