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错误,而且用现代科学理论对沈括所载的“解盐制取法”予以了分析;“结语”部分 就正文所选的天文历法、地学和化学三部分的研究结果为切入点和典型案例,展示 《梦溪笔谈》在中国科技史上的坐标地位,以期抛砖引玉。 窥一斑而知全豹。《梦溪笔谈》及其众多前贤的注释,不仅是科学史初学者入门 的很好门径,甚至是科学史领域值得深入和拓展的一个富矿。本论文的工作仅仅是 一个极其浅显的尝试和开端,是小局部和案例性的,广度和深度都有待拓展和深入, 还有全面性和系统性都是今后的预期。 关键词:《梦溪笔谈》;版本;比较;天文历法;地学;化学 II 万方数据 Abstract Shen Kuo was a famous politician and scientist in the Northern Song dynasty. He had many writings in his life, in which, specially, his masterpiece Meng Xi Bi Tan played a decisive role in the Chinese history. For the political needs of “Pi Lin Pi Kong” and “Zun Fa Pi Ru” during the Great Cultural Revolution, Shen Kuo was listed as Legalism. His masterpiece Meng Xi Bi Tan was focused. There are many annotations 、researches and translations all over the worlds. Some of editions include natural Science as their main content. These annotations and translations are beneficial to the scientific thoughts and technological achievements of this masterpiece that formed beautiful landscapes in that special era. In virtue of the differences at majors 、 scholar attainments 、backgrounds and interests, editors had a lot of differences and contradictions on their annotations and comprehensions. Therefore, the author compares and researches some explanatory notes of science and technology of four main editions during the period of the Great Cultural Re


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