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31 4 Vol.31 No.4  2005 7 CHINA MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY July, 2005       唐 茂, 聂志萍, 李 俭 (, 610106)  :, TS SA , , ; , 。 、 。 :;;; + :TP273 .5     :A     :1672-4984(2005)04-0054-03 Research on optimum algorithm in intelligent shop scheduling system TANG Mao, NEI Zhi-ping, LIN Jin (Depa tment of Mechanism, Chengdu Unive sity , Chengdu 610106, China) Abstract:Acco ding to the individual featu es of JSSP, the t aditional TS and SA algo ithm has been modified and a set of optimum algo ithms based on c itical path has been p esented.It ealized the integ ation of c itical path theo y and tactics of Combinato ial Optimization.In many calculations of instances of JSSP, the esults showed that this algo ithm can solve the p oblem efficiently.This method can p ovide a st ong suppo t fo ealizing of automatic and intelligent scheduling system. Key words:Job-shop scheduling p oblem;Hyb id optimization;Combinato ial optimization;C itical path 1  , , (Job-Shop Scheduling P oblem, , JSSP): 。 , , 2.2   ; JM T, JM ; ,JM (i,j )i j , , JM (i, *) i 。。 。T 2   , T (i,j ) i j , 2.1 (SA )(TS) 1 。 SA “Best So Fa ”, (1)、t0 、 :, Popsize 、α。 ; TS SA , (2), Met opolis ; Popsize; (3), 。 , best;



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