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14 3 V o.l 14, No. 3 2005 6 JOURNA L OF NATURAL D ISA STER S Jun. , 2005 : 1004-4574 ( 2005 03- 0162- 05 黄 蔚 ( , 325035 : : , , , , , , F ick, , , : ; ; ; ; : X 705 : A Exp erim en tal study on diffu sion of con tam inant in porou s so il barrier HUANG W ei ( C ollege of A rch itecture and C iv il E ngineering, W enzhou U n ivers ity, W enzhou 325035, Ch ina Abs tract: Contam inan t m ig ration is m a inly com posed o f three aspects, that is, dispersion, absorption and decay ing transform. D ispersion also includes mo lecule diffu sion and satura ted d isperse. T he expermi ent has been designed as a k ind of m ode lw ith three room s. The concentration grad is the on ly potency to drive the contam ination to env iron- m ental m ed ium w ithout w ater head difference betw een the two filled liqu id room s. By d mi ension ana lysis, a m e- chanical and m ath m ode l has been estab lished for investigating the law of som e ion contam inants changesw hen they dispersed. T he d iffusion coefficients o f m any ions have been determ ined in the expermi ent w hich a lso proved the basic assumpt ion of F ick s second law. T he expermi ent resu lts also show that the anion dispersesm ore qu ickly than ion. K ey w ord s: d isparsion coefficient; barrier; soil; ion; anion. , ( , , , [ 1] , , , - , , , , , : 2005- 0 1- 10; : 2005- 04- 10 : ( R 200 1A 20 : ( 1962- , , , , , . 3 : # 163#


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