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应 用 生 态 学 报  2003 年 12 月  第 14 卷  第 12 期                               CHIN ESE J OU RNAL OF A PPL IED ECOL O GY ,Dec . 2003 ,14 ( 12) ∶2342~2346 污染土壤的酶学修复研究进展 1 ,2 1 3 1 张丽莉  陈利军  刘桂芬  武志杰 (1 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 1100 16 ;2 中国科学院研究生院 ,北京 100039 ;3 黑龙江省大兴安岭林校 165004) 【摘要】 土壤酶在污染土壤的修复过程中起到非常重要的作用. 污染土壤的酶修复具有专性强 、适应性 广 、受环境因素影响较小等特点. 文中综述了土壤酶对污染土壤修复的优势 ,酶的固定化技术与方法 、氧化 还原酶对污染物的去除机理 ;介绍了用于土壤修复的酶的来源及主要特征 ,并对今后的研究工作提出了几 点建议. 关键词  土壤酶  污染土壤  修复 文章编号  100 1 - 9332 (2003) 12 - 2342 - 05  中图分类号  S154 . 2  文献标识码  A Advance in enzymological remediation of polluted soils. ZHAN G Lili1 ,2 ,CHEN Lij un1 ,L IU Guifen3 ,WU Zhi jie1 (1 I ns tit ute of A pp lied Ecology , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , S heny ang 1100 16 , China ;2 Grad uate S chool , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , B eij ing 100039 , China ; 3 Fores t ry S chool of D ax ing ’anling in Heilongj iang Prov ince , D ax ing ’anling 165004 , China) . Chin . J . A pp l . Ecol . ,2003 ,14 ( 12) :2342~2346 . Soils enzymes play an important role in t he remediation of polluted soils. The enzymological remediation of pol luted soils has t he characteristics of high sp ecialization ,wide applicabilit y ,and little sensitivit y to t he ambient fac tors. This p ap er reviewed t he advantages of enzymological remediation of polluted soils ,t he met hods and tech nologies of enzyme immobilization ,and t he removal mechanisms of pollutant s by oxidoreductases. The sources and characteristics of t he enzymes used to remediation were also introduced ,and some suggestions about t he re search in t he future were put forward . Key words  Soil en


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