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... WORD格式可编辑版 1.第1题 ?I’ll?ask?Mr.?Smith?to?ring?you?up?(??????)?he?comes?back?to?the?office. A. when B.where C.because D.although 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 2.第2题 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting,(?? ) ? A.weren’t you B.didn’t you C.have you D.did you 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 3.第3题 Students sometimes support themselves by() of evening jobs. A.. ways B.offers C.means D.helps 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 4.第4题 alice received an invitation from her boss,() came as a surprise. A.it B.that C.which D.he 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 5.第5题 The computer center,() last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 6.第6题 the americans and the british not only speak the same language but also ()a large number of social customs. A.share B.join C.take D.make 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 7.第7题 I carry only enough money to make change for a() bill. A.tens-dollar B.ten-dollar C.ten-dollars D.tens-dollars 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 8.第8题 (), the more you are aware of content and meaning. A.The more words you are familiar to B.The more words you are familiar with C.You are familiar to more words D.You are familiar with more words 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 9.第9题 When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was(). A.speaking B.saying C.talking D.telling 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 10.第10题 Good care must() babies particularly while they are ill. A.take B.take of C.be taken D.be taken of 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 11.第11题 Before anyone could take a photo of the strange-looking bird, it()away. A.has flown B.flew C.was flying D.would fly 答案:B 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0 ? 12.第12题 the great noise produced by the machine will sooner or later do()to the workers’ hearing. A.damage B.help C.wrong D.harm 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 ? 13.第13题 As a result of my laziness, I failed ( ) my work


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