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第31卷第11期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol31, No. 11 2010 年 11 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversity( Natural cience) Nov . 2 0 1 0 陈 震, 薛定宇, 郝丽娜, 徐心和 ( , 110004) : ( PVDF) ( IPMC) , , , Q, R , , , : ; ; ; ; : TP 212 : A : 1005-3026(2010) 11-1550-04 On the Optimal Control of Active Vibration of a Smart Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam CH EN Zhen, X UE Ding-y u, HA O L i-na, X UXin-he ( chool of Information cience Engineering, Northeastern University, henyang 110004, China. Correspondent: CHEN Zhen, E-mail: chenzhensy @ 126. com) Abstract: The cantilever beam w hich is made from the smart piezoelectric material PVDF as sensor and IPMC as actuator w as investigated, w ith the sensoring and actuating equation both given relevantly. Then, they w ere transformed into the state space equations via modal analysis, thus designing a vibration control system for the smart piezoelectric cantilever beam. Combining the genetic algorithm w ith LQR optimal control to design the weighted matrices Q and R , the control ratio of state feedback can be obtained so as to investigate the optimal control of the active vibration of a smart piezoelectric cantilever beam. imulation results verified that the control system is good for vibration abatement. Key words: micro-force sensor; smart cantilever beams; vibration control; genetic algorithm; LQR( linear quadratic regulator) Jacques Curie Pierre Curie [3- 4] 1880 , PVDF( polyvinylidence floride) PVDF , , , PVDF


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