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1999 11 ENVIRONM ENT A L SCIENCE N o v. , 1999 * 迟 杰 黄国兰 杨 彬 ( , 300071) ( S M) ( P CP) , , . : P CP , 1. 164. 11 ; SM , T O C . : PC P , . , , , . Distribution of Pentachlorophenol between Surface Microlayer * and Subsurface Water Chi JieHuang Guolan Y ang Bin (C ol lege of Envi onm ent al Science and Engin ee ing, Nankai U nive s ity , T ianjin 300071, China) ( ) Abstract T he su face mic olaye SM w ate samples and subsu fa ce w ate sam ples w e e co llected using a , , . glass plate f om South Wa st ewate Canal T ianjin China T he en ichment pheno menon of pentachlo opheno l ( PCP ) in SM samples was studied, a nd mic oco sm technique w as also used. T he esults f om field sam ples show ed that the en ichment facto s of P CP in SM samples w e e mo st ly in the ang e of 1. 164. 11, and may be influenced by the en ichment of suspended pa ticulat e, salinity and ai pa t icle depo sition, but w e ent elat ed to T O C. T he esult s in labo ato y showed t ha t t he en ichment facto s of P CP in SM samples inc eased w it h in- , . c easing suspended pa ticulat e co ncent ation and salinity but w asnt elated t o tu bulence , , , . Keywords pentachlo o phenol su face mic o lay e en ichment simulat ive ex pe iment ( Su face Mic olaye , SM ) . , 1 [ 13] ; 1. 1 , ( 1) PCP , 98% , A LDRICH [


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