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應用資料採礦技術於電信業客戶之研究 Application of data mining technique in the study of telecommunication customers 康鶴耀 黃建勳* He-Yau Kang , Chien-Hsun Huang 勤益科技大學 工業工程與管理研究所 National Chin-Yi University of Technology 台中縣太平市中山路一段 215 巷 35 號 student.ncut.edu.tw (047624 摘要 近年來,隨著手機多媒體應用功能的日趨強大,包括下載影片、音樂播放、GPS 導 航、手機遊戲等需求,幾乎已經達到人手一機的狀況。手機的便利性進而也帶動了電信 業的蓬勃發展。現在有中華電信、臺灣大哥大、大眾電信等等之類的電信業者,雖然此 市場很龐大,但是電信業者也眾多,如何鞏固基本客戶不外流,是件很值得商討的事情。 在客戶來源方面,由於種種不同的各項因素下,客戶會不斷的外流,所以藉由從客戶資 料當中,找出影響流失客戶的規則或其特質,並分析各分群客戶的流失特性為何,進而 建立一個流失評分模型來預測現有客戶的流失規則,並應用決策樹、K-Means、自組織 映射等方法,在從中找出高流失的客戶,可對其提供適當的一些優惠方案,提高挽留客 戶的機會,並提昇客戶的價值。 With the basic function of communication and various multimedia functions of cell phones, including downloading videos, playing music, GPS navigation and games, almost everyone has at least one cell phone these days. The convenience of cell phone promotes the development of telecommunication industry. However, with many telecommunication firms around, for example, Chunghwa telecom, Taiwan Mobile and First International Telecom, how to keep customers in a firm is an important issue. In the customer aspect, customers are continuously losing due to different factors. Therefore, finding the patterns or characteristics which influence the loss of customers is essential. This research, by applying decision tree, K-Means and self-organizing map, constructs an evaluation model for customer loss to locate the high potential customers that may be losing. Some suitable promotions


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