中国传媒大学现代远程教育《大学英语(三)》考前辅导材料 课件.ppt

中国传媒大学现代远程教育《大学英语(三)》考前辅导材料 课件.ppt

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例: 1.?Only when you finish your homework, _______ allowed to log onto the Internet. A. you are B. are you C. that you are D. which you are 2. Only in this way _______ find a solution to the problem. A. you can B. you may C. can you D. may you * 一、动词的时态 1.一般现在时在时间状语从句中的使用 I will tell him the news as soon as I see him. I will not go to the countryside if it rains tomorrow. * 2. 过去进行时 We were discussing the matter when the teacher entered. Whenever I visited him, he was always writing at the desk. 1. While I was working before the computer, Nancy _______ cooking in the kitchen. A. cooks B. is cooking C. was cooking D. has cooked 2. While the kids were playing on the court-yard, it _______ to rain heavily. A. starts B. started C. starting D. has started * 二、被动语态 下列动词在使用时常用被动语态 be said to do (据说)  be supposed to do(被认定)  be believed to do (据信)  be thought to do (被认为)   be known to do (人们都知道)  be reported to do (据报道) be expected to do (被要求) * 三、非谓语动词 1、下列动词后面的宾语要用动词的ing形式: admit 承认  appreciate 感激,赞赏  avoid 避免     complete 完成 consider 认为   delay 耽误 deny 否认   endure 忍受   enjoy 喜欢    prevent阻止 finish 完成   mind 介意 practise 训练 remember 记住 forget 忘记 recall 回忆   suggest 建议    keep 继续 * 例:Do you mind my opening the window? We?shall?appreciate?_______?from?you?soon. A.?being?heard B.?hearing C.?to?hear D.?having?been?heard * 2、下列词组后面要用动词的ing形式 It‘s no use /good It’s worth…,  cant help be tired of be fond of  be capable of  be afraid of  be proud of  think of / about  put off  take up


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