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運用FTA 與FMEA 技術於建構自主保養制度之研究 A Study of FTA and FMEA Technique Applications in Constructing an Autonomous Preventive-Maintenance System 研究生:邱景鴻 Chiu, Ching-Hung 指導教授:陳啟政 Chen, Chee-Cheng 【摘要】 自1971年以來,全面生產保養(Total Production Maintenance, TPM)制度已發展,許多日本製造商陸續地導入TPM並顯著提昇他們的生產力與競爭力。然而自主保養(Autonomous Preventive Maintenance, APM)是TPM裡一非常基本、特殊的支柱,包括一系列第一線直接員工系統化、相關聯的重要活動,被認為不只技術且有成本、人力資源與管理。失效模式與效應分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, FMEA)和故障樹分析(Fault Tree Analysis, FTA)是各產業應用最廣泛之故障要因解析手法,幾乎都在設計、製造階段中將它用來檢討問題,找出產品、設備潛在失效原因,求得預先的改善對策。本研究整合FTA與FMEA技術於建立公司自主保養制度以降低製造成本、提昇整體員工與設備生產力之公司目標。 本研究之主要貢獻將嘗試整合FTA和FMEA技術來建構設備失效模式的風險優先數值(Risk Priority Number, RPN)並且將其轉換成自主保養項目之選擇及保養頻率之建立,並依此有效培訓員工技術能力提昇之企業策略。最後,以半導體材料製造之S公司來說明本研究提出模式之可行性,驗證其適用性並提供業界參考。 關鍵字:失效模式與效應分析、故障樹分析 、全面生產保養、自主保養 【Abstract】 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) has been developed and phased-in many manufacturing firms in Japan. This method has significantly promoted their productivity and competitiveness beginning in 1971. However, an autonomous preventive maintenance (APM) system is a very special, fundamental pillar of TPM. APM includes a series of important systematic direct labor activities in the first line. The techniques, cost, human resources, and management are important considerations. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) are the most popular analytical failure analysis methods, widely adopted over different industries. They are often used to examine potential problems during the design and manufacturing phase, discovering possible failure cause before product design finalization and manufacturing. This study integrates the FTA and FMEA techniques to establish an APM system that meets a company’s goal of reducing manufacturing cost, promoting employee competence and equipment productivity. The major contribution of this study is the construction of an equipment potential failure mode and Risk Priority Number (RPN) method through integrating FTA and FMEA. The proposed met


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