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※工艺技术 食品科学 2012, Vol. 33, No. 06 65
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马 玲 ,徐 静 ,刘会平
( 1.山西农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山西太谷 030 80 1;2 . 山西农业大学农学院,山西太谷 030 80 1;
3.天津科技大学食品工程与生物技术学院,天津 300457)
摘 要:通过Box- Behnken 设计和响应面法研究谷氨酰胺转胺酶(transglutaminase ,TG)添加量、作用温度和作用时
T G 添加量的增加和作用温度的升高,奶酪的产率、硬度均增加,弹性先降低后增加。而作用时间对产率和硬度
的影响较小,弹性随作用时间的延长先降低后增加。利用软件进行寻优分析,得到最佳工艺条件为T G 添加量
0.59g/ 100mL 、作用温度45 ℃、作用时间22 .88min ,此时奶酪产率理论最大值为12 .2 7% 。在此条件下经过验证实
验得到奶酪实际产率为1 1.9 3 % ,与理论预测值接近。
Optimization of Transglutaminase Hydrolysis in the Preparation of Cheese
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MA Lin g ,XU Jin g ,LIU Hui-pin g
(1. College of Food Science and Technology, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 03080 1, China ;
2. College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 03080 1, China ;
3. College of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Tianj in University of Science and Technology, Tianj in 300457, China)
Abstract :In order to develop an optimal application condition of transglutaminase (TG) in the preparation of cheese, TG
addition amount, reaction temperature and reaction time were selected as the maj or factors to explore their effects on the yield,
hardness and elasticity of cheese by response surface methodology. Results indicated that increased TG addition amount and
temperature could result in the increase of the yield and hardness of cheese as well as an initial decrease and final increase in elasticity.
However, reaction time revealed less effect on the yield and hardnes