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水工闸位测控系统设计 摘 要 本设计的内容是基于RS-485网络的水工闸位测控器的设计。它主要通过对闸位开度与上下游水位的实时监控,实现对闸门的自动控制,系统兼有就地控制与远程控制两种模式。 该测控器以C8051F020为核心元件,通过各类传感器采集现场信息,并能对相关状况进行相应的处理。系统通过控制电机的转动来驱动闸门的起闭,通过传感器实时监控闸门内外水位及各闸门的开度和运行状态信息,并能够在当地显示以上信息。并且具有当地设定闸门开度参数,闸门开度上、下限参数的功能。系统通过RS-485网络定时发送实时水位信息,闸门状态,上位机可以通过RS-485网络监控中心远程修改参数。同时系统具有故障报警与越限报警的功能。系统的各参数测量范围为:控制闸门开度在0~3m,误差不大于正负5mm;监控上下游水位为0~5m。 关键字:C8051F020,RS-485网络 Abstract It is a design that based on the RS-485 network to monitor and control of the hydraulic gate. It is mainly through the real-time monitoring of the gate-opening and the water level downstream to control the gate automatically. There are two control modes in the control system: locally control and remotely control. The monitoring and controling system makes C8051F020 as the core components. Through collecting information from various types of sensors at the scene, it can make the appropriate treatment relevant to the situation. The system drives the starting and closure of the gate by controlling the rotation of the Motor, makes real-time monitoring on the water level inside and outside the gates opening and information of operation state by sensor and is able to display more information locally. It also can set parameters of gate opening and the minimum locally. The system regularly sends information of real-time water level and gate status through the RS-485 network. At the sametimes, PC can amend parameters through the RS-485 remote network monitoring centre. And the system owns failure alarm and limited alarm. The range for each parameter is liked that: the opening of control gate is in 0 ~ 3 m; error is not more than plus or minus 5 mm; monitoring water levels on the lower reaches is 0 ~ 5 m. Key word:C8051F020,The RS-485 network 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc327181348 目 录 PAGEREF _Toc327181348 \h III HYPERLINK \l _Toc327181349 1.绪论 PAGEREF _Toc327181349 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327181350 1.1设计背景与研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc327181350 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327181351 1


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