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2 1 6 V o.l 2 1 N o. 6 2008 12 W orld Fo restry R esearch D ec2008 * 1 1 1 2 2 李金兰 李秋娟 张玉珍 盖力岩 王桂忠 ( 1, 07 1000; 2 , 0 684 50) 玻利维亚通过土地改革和森林法修订, 为森林 营创造了良好的外部环境, 并建立起了以公众参与为 主导的森林资源管理体系和管理途径在具体措施上, 主要采取森林认证实行特许权制度和编制森林 营 规划等手段, 极大地促进了森林可持续 营进程尽管如此, 在公有林管理中, 依然存在着法律不完善行政 机构权责不明晰以及其改革阻力大等一系列问题, 尚待进一步解决玻利维亚公有林管理制度改革的 验, 为完善中国森林资源管理提供了借鉴 玻利维亚北部, 公有林, 管理, 改革 F 377. 9 A 1001- 4 241( 2008) 06- 006 1- 04 Reform of Comm unal ForestM anagem ent in Northern Bolivia 1 1 1 2 2 L i J in lan L iQ iujuan Zh ang Y uzh en Ga i L iyan W ang Gu izh ong ( 1 A g ricu ltura l U n iversity o f H ebe i, Baod ing 071000, H ebe,i Ch ina; 2 H ebe iM u lan - W eich ang Forestry M anagem en t Bureau, W e ichang 0 684 50, H ebe,i Ch ina) Abstract: T hrough agrarian reform ing and the Forestry L aw revising, good external environm ent for forest m anagem ent had been created, as w ell as forest resource m anagem ent system and w ays head- ed by public participat ion h ad been established in Boliv ia wh ich lies in the Am azon. By introdu cing the situ ation o f Comm unal Forest M anagem ent in N orthern Bo liv ia, this artic le po ints out that there are som e prob lem s in the reform s, such as legal uncertain ties, am biguou s ro le of state and mun ici- p al agenc ies and the ex istence of opposition. It m akes a conc lu sion th at forest certificat ion, conces- sion system and fo rest m anagem ent plan s cou ld be u sed for reference to Ch inese forestry deve lop-


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