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Teaching procedure (教学过程);你今晚要去做什么? 我要去见一些朋友。 你不准太晚回家。 大门的钥匙 把钥匙给她 好吧 不客气 玩的开心 ;时间的表达方式: 1.顺读法 2.倒读法 a.past b.to 3.倒读法练习 1:05 1:10 1:15 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:45 1:50 1:58 1:59 ;New Concept English Book One Lesson 67 68 ;Characters;Listen to the tape and answer the question: 1.Where are the two women? They are on the street. 2.Was Jimmy absent from school last week? Yes,he was. 3.Wha are the Johnsons going to do at the weekend? They are going to spend three days in the country.;Mrs.Johnson: Were you at the butcher’s? Mrs.Williams:Yes,I was. Were you at the butcher’s, too ? Mrs.Johnson:No,I wasn’t.I was at at the greengrocer’s. How is Jimmy today? ;Mrs.Williams: He’s very well,thank you. Mrs.Johnson:Was he absent from school last week? Mrs.Williams:Yes,he was. He was absent on Mon,Tues, Wed,and Thursday . How are you all keeping?;Mrs.Johnson: Very well,thank you. We are going to spend three days in the country. We are going to stay at my mother’s for the weekend. Mrs.Williams:Friday,Saturday and Sunday in the country! Aren’t you lucky ! ;Find out the mistakes;1.He was absent in Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday ,and thurday. 2.We are going to spent three days on the country. 3.Aren’t you luck! ;Monday [m?ndei] Tuesday [tju:zdei] Wednesday [wenzdei] Thursday [θ?:zdei] Friday [fraidei] Saturday [s?t?dei] Sunday [s?ndei];13;country [?k?ntri] countryside [?k?ntr?s??d] luck [l?k] lucky [?l?ki] absent [??bs?nt] keep [ki?p] spend [sp?nd] weekend [wi?k??nd] ;grocer grocers 杂货铺 greengrocer greengrocers 蔬果零售店 butcher butchers 肉店 baker bakers 烘培店 hairdresser


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