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熟 读 深 思 4. 不定式、动名词和分词作定语 (1) The water polluted by the factory should be to blame. (2) Wed better find some work for the children to do. (3) He is the first one to_help(help) me with computer. (4) Your ability to analyze the problem really surprised us. (5) Do you have anything to send?(是主语you送) (6) Do you have anything to_be_sent(send)?(不是主语you送,是别人送) 熟 读 深 思 (7)Barking dogs seldom bite. (8)The plan to_be_made(make) is of vital importance. (9)The building being constructed will be used as a library.(现在正在进行的被动) (10)The suggestion sent to the committee was adopted.(过去的被动) (11)The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class, which can be seen from her satisfied expression on her face. 归 纳 总 结 规则1:单个非谓语动词作定语一般在名词前,如:(7);但修饰不定代词时在代词后,如:(5)、(6);非谓语动词短语作定语一般要跟在名词后,如:(1)。 规则2:不定式、动名词和分词作定语的区别: 归 纳 总 结 名词+ to do sth. 表示:与被修饰的名词有:①动宾关系,如:(2);名词前有序数词或最高级,如:(3)。②主谓关系。③不定式修饰一些表示方向、原因、时间、机会、权利等抽象名词 to be done 表示将要被做,如:(8)。 done表示已经完成的或表被动的动作(having been done不可作定语),如:(1)、(10)。 being done 表示被修饰词正在做,如:(9)。 doing sth.表示:①正在进行的动作②经常性动作或现在(或当时)的状态③即将发生的动作 归 纳 总 结 【注意】 不及物动词构成的不定式作定语,要加上适当的介词且介词不能省。 规则3:一些形容词化的过去分词表示已完成的动作或所处的状态,意为“已经……的”。 a fallen leaf落叶(已经落在地上)→a falling leaf 飘零的落叶,尚在空中 a developed country 发达国家→a developing country 发展中国家 a risen sun 升起的太阳→a rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳 归 纳 总 结 a returned student 归国学生 a retired worker 退休工人 an advanced worker 先进工作者 boiled water 开水→boiling water 沸水 a bent branch 弯曲的树枝 determined opposition 强烈的反对 a devoted soldier 忠诚的士兵 a well-informed professor 见多识广的教授 归 纳 总 结 【注意】 1. 有些表示“使……”的动词,其-ing形式,意为“令人……的”,表示事物的性质、特征,强调给他人的印象;其-ed形式,意为“感到……的”,表示人的心理、状态,强调主语内心的感受,也可修饰look, expression, tears, smile, voice等名词。如:(11)。 2. 不宜用现在分词短语作定语的情况: (1)The man who came this morning is our legal adviser. (√) The man coming this morning is our legal adviser. (×)不能用doing表达过去动作 归 纳 总 结 (2)Is there anyone who can answer this question? (√) Is there anyone answering this question? (×)


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