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Unit 3 Objectives Learn the social functions of compliments and compliment responses Learn the differences between Chinese and English compliments /compliment resposes Learn the different expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese CONTENTS I. Warm-up cases II. Detailed Study: Social functions of compliments Compliments and compliment responses Differences between Chinese and English compliments Common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments Expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese III. Case Study IV. Summary V. Assignments Case 1. An Invitation to Dinner Case 2. The Cancellation of the Dinner Party Case 3 Why should they do like this? Comment: 1.The British people maintain their etiquette and social manners even when they are very excited. 2.The Filipino couple did not introduce their Filipino friend to him 3.The Filipinos were talking in their own native language. No doubt the British felt left out, which is unacceptable and rarely occurs on social occasions in Britain. 4.When immigrants meet in a foreign country, they tend to take no notice of their surroundings/people around, which is considered to be rude and requires attention. Social functions of compliments Work in groups to discuss the social functions of Compliments Eg. greeting people, …. On behalf of all your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous for throughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music. Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. -----by President Nixon at a welcoming party in his 1972 visit to China Q: What is the social function of Nixon’s compliment? (A boss meets his young female employee in the morning) A: Well, you look good today. You have such nice clothes. B. Thank you. I have



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