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全墨堑堡±皇塑些堡垦堡塾壁堡塑塑堕堡垫 全墨堑堡±皇塑些堡垦堡塾壁堡塑塑堕堡垫 Numerical simulation of the geometry and moving behavior of bubbles in moltell metal Abstraet Closed—cell aluminum foam is a new-type function material,which has important applications and broad development prospects in industry because of its unique structure and performance.Aluminum foam is a composite material consisting of gaseous and solid phases, which exhibits a porosity of 70~90%,thus much attention should be paid to the control of the size and uniformity of the cells during the foaming process of molten aluminum.One of the important effect factors in the aluminum foam moulding technology is the geometry and moving behavior of a single bubble in the molten aluminum.It plays an important role in the formation ofthe fmal size and shape ofthe cells,which in turn affects considerably the structure and performance ofaluminum foam. In this paper,at first,the research histories and current development in the bubble·liquid two—phase flows is summarized and reviewed systemically.On tNs basis,single bubble formation during the foaming process of molten aluminum is analyzed and the bubble size is estimated.nle calculated results indicate that the radius of the bubbling bubble will increase when the radius of the orifice is increasing,or the surface tension is increasing,as well as the liquid density is decreasing at low flow rate.When the gas velocity exceeds a critical velocity, the gas will be两ected from the nozzle as a coherent gas jet.For a hi醣velocity stirrer system, 也e bubble radius will decrease when rotate speed is increased or the flow rate is reduced. Numerical simulation is performed on the deformational bubble shapes and moving behavior of gas bubbles in molten aluminum by a volume tracking technique based on the volume-of-fluid(VOF)method to study the flow mechanism of a bubble in the molten metal and its affecting factors.Based on the numerical computations,the deformation and moving behavior of a single bubble an


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