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Thyroid Cancer Shuguang Hospital General Surgery VINCENT Rao * THYROID CANCER 3 what to do with it? TREATMENT 4 HOW BAD IS IT? PROGNOSIS 1 where is it? ANATOMY 2 why did it happen? ETIOLOGY * 1.Apperance: the largest endocrine glands:butterfly-shaped of two side lobes connected by isthmus . 2.Location: ①below the thyroid cartilage,around larynx and trachea。 ② 5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm thick。 ③top to the middle of thyroid cartilage ,down to the fifth or sixth tracheal ring。 THYROID ANATOMY ③ * ④From skin to thyroid: skin → superficial fascia(platysma) → superficial layer of deep fascia → infrahyoid muscles → Pretracheal fascia → thyroid THYROID ANATOMY ③ * 3.Nerves and vessels (both coupled): ①2 nerves :superior laryngeal nerve + recurrent laryngeal nerve. ②2 arterys:superior and inferior thyroid arterys ③3 veins:superior 、middle and inferior thyroid veins. 4.Lymphatic drainage: knowing the way how throid cancer cell transfers is the foundation to lymphadenectomy . THYROID ANATOMY ③ * Diagram of cervical lymph node levels Level IA : bounded by anterior belly and hyoid bone. Level IB : bounded by the anterior and posterior bellies and the mandible. Level VI (Central compartment lymph nodes):bounded by hyoid bone , the common carotid arteries and the sternum .Although level VI is large in area, the few lymph nodes that it contains are mostly in the paratracheal regions near the thyroid gland. Level VII:superior mediastinum lymph nodes. * Diagram of cervical lymph node levels Level V: posterior triangle of neck Level II: bounded by skull base, stylohyoid muscle, hyoid bone horizontal line and posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Level III :begins at the inferior edge of level II and is bounded by the laryngeal strap muscles anteriorly, by the posterior border of the sternocleid



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