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社團法人中華水土保持學會 102 年度年會 1 災害資訊揭露對居民購買災害保險影響之臺灣南北比較 分析 [1] [2*] [3] 戴政安 林宣宜 李泳龍 摘 要 本研究以南臺灣高屏溪流域與北臺灣新店溪流域進行南北地區比較分析,利用問卷 調查探討易致災環境地區,個體認知差異下於水土災害資訊揭露前後其社經背景等因素對於颱 風洪水保險購買意願決策之影響。研究顯示,於資訊揭露前,影響購買保險意願之因素,南部 地區有年齡、教育程度、家庭平均月收入,北部地區則有年齡與住宅權屬狀況;於部分資訊揭 露後,南部地區增加一項受災經驗,北部地區則僅剩住宅權屬狀況有關聯。此外,部分資訊揭 露後 ,願意投保之受訪者於南北地區皆有增加的趨勢,但以北部地區居民購買意願最高。因 此,若能適當的揭露相關災害資訊,並藉以提升居民保險購買意願,將有助於降低其受災之損 失,同時針對南北地區不同環境背景下之居民應有不同的減災方式,以符合在地需求。 關鍵詞:災害資訊揭露、風險認知、災害減緩 Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Disaster Information Disclosure on Disaster Insurance Purchase of Residents between Southern and Northern Taiwan Cheng-An Tai [1] Hsuan-Yi Lin[2*] Yung-Lung Lee[3] ABSTRACT This study aims to compare the differences of disaster purchase intention between southern and northern Taiwan, Kou-Pin and Shin-Ten watershed area, using questionnaires survey and considering individual perception, to find the affecting variables on flood insurance purchasing before and after disaster information disclosure. The results show affecting variables before information disclosure include age, education, income in the southern and age, property type in the northern. However after information disclosure additional variable disaster experience appears and the northern shows the only variable property type. In addition after disaster information disclosure people willing to purchase insurance increase in both area and the northern show higher. Therefore proper disaster information disclosure will increase the intention of purchasing insurance and reduce the possible loss after disaster. However the policy should adapt to different area for the cause of domestic demand. Key Words: Disaster infor


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