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AbstractPhthalocyanines Abstract Phthalocyanines and metalophthlocyanines have been investigated for many years in much detail.They have been mostly focused attention upon in the area of optics,electricity and magnetic molecule.Phthalocyanines and structurally related compounds are of interest,for example,in nonlinear optics,as electrochromic substances,as low—dimensional metals,in mctifyhag devices,as gas sensors,as photosensitizers and as carrier generation material in NIR. In this paper we are supposed to synthesize the subtitutional phthalocyaninatometal axis complex, which is 2,4,6一Trimethyl—phenoxy phthalocyaninatometal,Based on the benzd nitrile method,through the nituation, substitute,we synthesize the 4-(2,4,6-Trimethyl·phenoxy)phthalonitrile.With the reaction ofthe phthalonitrle and the metal salt,substitutional phthalocyaninatometal is synthesized.Because of the substitute of the phenoxy the solubility of the phthalocyanlnatometal is greatly improved in the organic solvent. In this paper,phthalocyaninatometal axis complex is synthesized、ⅣitIl the solvothmai means,which is not reported in anciently literature.As a resnlt, unsubtitutional phthalocyaninatometai axis complex is gained.The reason is that C 0 banmot steady in 160。C and hi曲pressure.In the synthesis ofthe subtitutional phthalocyaninatometal axis complex through this new method,however,we have to study the method. It Can be seen from the UV-vis ofthe subtitutional phthalocyaninatometal that the Q band of phthaloeyaninatometal is einstein shift、Ⅳith the suhtitutional group and B band of phthalocyaninatometal broadens greatly.In the UV-vis of the subtitutional phthalocyaninatometal axis complex,the Q band of phthalocyaninatometal axis complex is einstein shift more than 4 nnl comparing with the phthalocyaninatometal. The ahsorptiometer is more narTow than before.The optical property of the dye CaD_be improved i11 a certain extent. Key wards:phthalocoyaninatometal;complex;synthesize;solvothmal II 独创性



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