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AbstractTITLE:SIMULATION Abstract TITLE:SIMULATION RESEARCH ON VIBRATION CHARACTERlSTICS OF WIRE MESH ABSORBER MAJOR:Mechanical Design and Theory NAME:Qiao Hua Signature: 反J们.‰ SUPERVISOR:Prof.Yahui CUI Signature Abstract This thesis focuses on a new type of vibration reduction device that contains wire mesh absorber.Based on the damper theory and its engineering application,structure analysis, dynamic analysis,simulation test used compmer and performance analysis when parameters of wire mesh absorber are changed,are performed.Finally,some guiding principles for selecting design parameter for wire mesh absorber ale given. A simplification-engineering kinetic model of WMA is established according to its structural feature and operating principle.Die to the vertical dynamic characteristic is connected with the initial position and deformation ofthe mesh pads,SO vibration performance under different operating condition is analyzed dentally.A working state including shock and vibration has been simulated by MATLAB.Then an important conclusion is gained,which Can be a basis for further simulation. Based on parameter selecting method for single degree of freedom damper devices and the feathers of WMA,the influence of different parameters on the system performance is analyzed. Then the selecting parameter scope ofwire mesh absorber is given. Dynamic characteristics ofwire mesh absorber has been analyzed and influence of system parameter on it has been got out by establishing 3D model of WMA and using ADAMS and hence rule of selecting system parameters is given,and some suggestions about improvement on its structure are also provided. Finally,the designing results have been demonstrated to meet requkements of designing damper devices by example based on the conclusion and the method of selecting parameter for SDOF damper devices. Keywords:Wire mesh absorber;simulation;parameter;vibration 独创性声明秉承祖国优良道德传统和学校的严谨学风郑重申明:本人所呈交的学位论文是我个 独创性声明 秉承祖国优良道德传统和学校的严谨学风郑重申明:本人所呈交的学位论文是我个 人在


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