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Goodbye! 可数名词复数 These, those, they What are these? + s 字尾s, z, x, ch, sh + es 去y + ies(字尾为子音加y) 字尾f, fe改成v + es book → books watch → watches fly → flies(苍蝇) life → lives pen → pens box → boxes kitty → kitties(小猫) wife → wives ruler → rulers bus → buses candy → candies(糖果) knife → knives 代名词 be动词 冠词 单数普通 名词. This is a pen. That book. It an eraser. 1. this(这)和that(那)在这个句型里是指示代名词的用法,用来代替单数的物品,而it可以用来代替this或that,无距离上的差别。 2. this和that也常做指示形容词,后面接单数的名词。如:This book is great. 3. 如果谈论到的物品只有一件,须在物品名词前加上 “a” 或者 “an”。 名词为子音开头加上 “a”,例:a ruler;a desk;a white board 若为元音开头加上 “an”,例:an apple;an eraser;an elephant 疑问代名词 be动词 指示代名词? What’s this? (离说话者近) that?(离说话者远) What is it? (不分远近) 一、以疑问词what为首的疑问句及答句(单数) this is以及What is it? 没有缩写形式。 二、以疑问词what为首的疑问句及答句(复数) 疑问代名词 be动词 指示代名词? What are these?(离说话者近) those?(离说话者远) they? (不分远近) 代名词 be动词 复数普通名词. These are pens. Those books. They erasers. 1. these和those也常做指示形容词,后面接复数的名词。如:These books are great. 2. 如果谈论到的物品不只有一件,须在物品名词后加上 “s”、“es”、“ies” 表示复数。 (一) 根据提示,完成问语和答句 例如:this / notebook    A:What is this?    B:This is a notebook.  或者It is a notebook. 1. that / marker A:What is that? B:That / It is a marker. 2. it / eraser A:What is it? B:It is an eraser. 5. it / map A:What is it? B:It is a map. 3. this / book bag A:What is this? B:It / This is a book bag. 4. that / watch A:What is that? B:That / It is a watch. (二) 根据提示,回答问题 例如:What are these?(book) These / They are books. 1. What are these?(letter) These / They are letters. 2. What are those?(glass) Those / They are glasses. 3. What are they?(marker彩色笔;麦克笔) They are markers. 4. What are these?(cherry樱桃) These / They are cherries. 5. What are they?(watch) They are watches, 以be动词为首的疑问句及答句(单数) Be动词 指示代名词 冠词 单数名词? Is this a clock? that computer? it an orange? 1.简答时,一律用 “it” 回答。 2.肯定简答,it和is不可以缩写,只能写成Yes, it is. 3.否定简答,除了No, it is not. 还可写成No,it’s not. 或者No, it isn’t. Yes / No, 代名词 be动词. Yes, it is. No, Is not. 四、以be动词为首的疑问句及答句(复数) Be动词 指示代名词 复数名词? Are these picture


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