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希腊罗马神话复习 单选(课文)10分 判断(课文)10分 表格(默写)20分 Greek Roman Role in Mythology Aphrodite Venus Goddess of beauty, sexual desire. (RM: goddess of gardens and fields .) Apollo Apollo God of prophecy,medicine and archery(late Greek/RM:god of sun) Ares Mars God of war Artemis Diana Goddess of the hunt(late Greek/RM:goddess of moon) Asclepius Aesculapius God of medicine Athena Minerva Goddess of arts and crafts and war;helper of heroes(late Greek/Rm: goddess of wisdom) Cronus Sarturn God of the sky;ruler of the Titans(RM:goddess of agriculture) Demeter Ceres Goddess of grain Dionysus Bacchus God of wine and vegetation Eros Cupid God of love Gaea Tellus Mother Earth Hades Pluto God of the underworld; lord of the dead Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire; blacksmith of the gods Hera Juno Goddess of marriage and childbirth;protector of married women; queen of the gods Hermes Mercury Messengers of the gods; protector of travelers, thieves, and merchants Hestia Vesta Guardian of the home Poseidon Neptune God of the sea and earthquakes Rhea Ops Wife of Cronus/Sarturn; Mother Goddess Uranus Uranus God of the sky; father of the Titans Zeus Jupiter Ruler of the gods 名词解释(课后)20分 C1 1.delphic: It relates to Delphi.It means ambiguous. 2.Olypian: It relates to Olympian Gods.It means that some one is like a god,especially by being calm and not concerned about ordinary things. 3.martial: It relates to Mars.It means something connected with war and fighting. 4.nemesis: It relates to Nemesis.It means a punishment that is deserved and cannot be avoided. 5.titanic:I t relates to Titans.It means something big ,strong and powerful. C2 1.Junoesque:It relates to Juno.It means someone is elegant and beautiful like Juno. 2.Argus-eyed:It relates to Argus.It means someone is watchful and alert. 3.satyr/satyriasis:It relates to Satyr.It means someone that has an abnormally intense sexual desire in men. 4.mercurial:It relates to Mercury.It means having feelings that change suddenly and without warning. C4 chaotic:It


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