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微生物发酵法改良大豆肽风味的研究 豆康宁 (漯河医学高等专科学校食品营养系,漯河462002) 摘要:该文研究了乳酸菌和酵母菌二次发酵法改良大豆肽的风味。实验结果表明,乳酸菌在发酵过程中,大豆肽溶液pH下降,总酸度上升,产生大量有机酸物质,乳酸菌发酵8h,大豆肽的风味最佳。酵母菌发酵过程中,大豆肽溶液中乙醇含量逐渐增加,产生大量醇类物质,酵母菌发酵2h,大豆肽溶液的风味最佳。经过乳酸菌和酵母菌发酵后,大豆肽的苦味和腥味消失,口感变成具有酸爽的杀口感,气味具有酒香味。因此,经过乳酸菌和酵母菌二次发酵工艺后,大豆肽的风味得到明显改善。 关键字:大豆肽 乳酸菌 酵母菌 发酵 风味 Study on the soybean peptides fermented by microbiology to improve the flavor Dou Kangning (Food and Nutrition Department, Luohe Medical School, Luohe 462002) Abstract: In this paper, the soybean peptides was fermented by secondary fermentation of lactobacillus and yeast to improve the flavor. The experiment results showed that the pH was decreased and the total acidity was increased gradually, and many HYPERLINK /w/organic%20acid/ \l keyfrom=E2Ctranslation organic acids was produced during the fermenting process of soybean peptides by lactobacillus, the flavor was the best when the soybean peptides was fermented for 8 hour. The content of ethanol was increased gradually during the fermenting process of soybean peptides by yeast, and much HYPERLINK /w/organic%20alcohol/ \l keyfrom=E2Ctranslation organic alcohol was produced, the flavor was the best when the soybean peptides was fermented for 2 hour by yeast. After the soybean peptides was fermented by yeast and lactobacillus, the sensory with bitter and odor of the soybean peptides was disappeared, the taste became into a sour and irritate taste, the smell has the aroma of wine. So the soybean peptides flavor was improved obviously fermented by secondary fermentation of lactobacillus and yeast. Keywords:soybean peptides, lactobacillus, yeast, ferment, flavor 中图分类号:TS224.4 文献标识码:A 基金项目:河南省高等学校重点科研项目(15B550005) 收稿日期:2017-05-19 作者:豆康宁,男,1981年出生,副教授,粮食、油脂与植物蛋白工程。 大豆肽是由大豆蛋白经蛋白酶酶解而得,在食品中具有重要的应用价值。大豆肽与还原糖经过加热反应可制备肉味香精[1]。大豆肽与粉状调味品的复配具有协同作用效果[2],使调味品的风味得到明显提高。大豆肽具有生物活性功能[3],能促进微生物生长和发育,同时,大豆肽更容易消化吸收,具有缓解疲劳作用[4]。 但是,大豆肽在风味上具有苦味和腥味,限制了其在食品中的推广应用。大豆蛋白疏水性氨基酸具有苦味,当大豆蛋白被蛋白酶水解成相对分子质量小的多肽时,疏水性氨基酸就会暴露出来,与味蕾发生接触,则会产生苦味。但是,当大豆肽氨基酸个数小于3时


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