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* * * * Let’s enjoy some pictures Symbols of Chinese culture ————唐装 Two different definitions Chinese-style costume(中式服装) The definition is given by the westerners.They call “中华街”China town,”town” sounds like “Tang”,therefor they call what we dress “唐装”. Costumes here mean clothes having Chinese unique characteristics. The costume here is improved after Dynasty Qing and is still being improved. Dresses of the Tang Dynasty (唐朝人的装束) This definition is natural with the meaning of costumes of Tang Dynasty. Here it means clothes with characteristics of Dynasty Tang ,its meaning is narrow. The costume here seems to be of little change because Tang has gone away and its inconvenience. Tell the difference Dresses of the Tang Dynasty Chinese-style costume Symbols of Chinese Culture The paper-cut The paper-cut is one of Chinese most popular folk tradition decoration art, has the glorious history.Because its material is probably easy, the cost inexpensive, the effect stands sees, the adaptation surface broad and generally is welcome; Because it most suits the rural women leisure manufacture, both may make practical, and may beautify the life.Each place all can see the paper-cut, even has formed the different place style school. Zodiac Paper-cut Folk paper-cut Spring Festival Paper-cut Wind Instruments (吹管乐器) Plucked Instruments (弹拨乐器) Stringed Instruments (擦弦乐器) Percussion Instruments (打击乐器) Sheng(笙) Hsiao(箫) Ditze(笛子) Pipa(琵琶) Yangchin(扬琴) Cheng(筝) Erhu(二胡) Gehu(革胡) Bangtze(梆子) Large Drum(大鼓) Hsiangban(响板) Yunluo(云锣) Dingyin Ganggu (定音缸鼓) calligraphy Calligraphy is the art of making beautiful or elegant handwriting. It is a fine art of skilled penmanship. Chinese calligraphy is part of the human culture wealth and precious touring resources of China. Regarded as the most abstract and sublime form of art in Chinese culture, Shu Fa (calligraphy) is often thought to be most revealing of ones personality. During the imp


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