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噢,我来自一个遥远的国度 Oh,I come from a land From a faraway place 一个沙漠骆驼队徜徉的地方 Where the caravan camels roam 那里平坦宽阔、广袤无边、酷热难耐 Where its flat and immense And the heat is intense 那里的人们放荡不羁  但是,嗨!它是家 Its barbaric but hey, its home 当风从东边刮过,太阳从西方照过来 When the winds from the east And the suns from the west 这正是时候 And the sand in the glass is right 来吧,来到这里吧 跳上飞毯飞向 Come on down, stop on by Hop a carpet and fly 另一个阿拉伯之夜 To another Arabian night 阿拉伯之夜 Arabian nights 就象阿拉伯的白天 Like Arabian days 经常是火一般的热情 More often than not Are hotter than hot 有很多好的方法 In a lot of good ways 阿拉伯之夜 Arabian nights 沉浸在阿拉伯的月光下 Neath Arabian moons 提高警惕,谨防骗子 否则你会跌的很惨 A fool off his guard Could fall and fall hard 在那边的沙丘上 Out there on the dunes [骆驼喘息声] [camel panting] 尊敬的朋友,晚上好 Ah, salaam, and good evening to you, worthy friend. 来,来,靠近些 Please, please, come closer. 太近了,有点太近了 Too close. A little too close. 好了 There. 欢迎来到阿古拉巴, Welcome to Agrabah, 神秘之城 city of mystery, 到处是魔法 of enchantment, 约旦河边最好的商品今天大减价了 and the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today. 看这个,对 Look at this. Yes. 水烟袋和咖啡壶的混合体 还可以切土豆条 Combination hookah and coffeemaker. Also makes julienne fries. 不会碎,不会... Will not break. Will not... 碎了 It broke. 噢!再来看看这个 Ohh! Look at this. 我从未见过这么美妙的东西 I have never seen one of these intact before. 这是著名的死海牌塑料盒 This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware. 听听,哈,还是好的 Listen. Ah, still good. 等等,别走啊 Wait. Dont go. 可以看出来你只对那些稀世珍宝感兴趣 I can see that youre only interested in the exceptionally rare. 我想,你值得考虑一下这玩意 I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this. 不要被它普通的外表所蒙蔽 Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. 象许多事情一样,不能以貌取人 Like so many things, it is not what is outside, 内在的东西才算数 but what is inside that counts. 这不是一盏普通的灯 This is no ordinary lamp. 它曾改变了一个年轻人的一生 It once changed the course of a young mans life. 那个年轻人象这盏灯一样 比他的外表更出色 A young man who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed. 他象一块璞玉,深藏不露 The diamond in the rough. 或许你想听听这个故事? Perhaps you would like to hear the tale? 那是一个漆黑的夜晚


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