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2018 2nd International Conference on Advances in Management Science and Engineering (AMSE 2018) ISBN: 978-1-60595-566-7 On the Chinese-English Translation Strategies of Ancient Chinese Prose from the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics—A Case Study of The Story of Snake-catcher * Jian-xiu ZHANG and Nan-nan LI Guangzhou College of Commerce, No. 209 Jiulong Avenue, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China *Corresponding author Keywords: Systemic functional linguistics, Field, Projection theory, Appraisal theory, The story of snake-catcher. Abstract. “Based on the three different English versions of “The Story of Snake-catcher”, written by Liu Zongyuan, one of the Great Writers of Tang and Song Dynasties, a contrastive research was conducted in the framework of Systemic Functional Grammar, namely, field, projection and appraisal theory, with both the analysis of target text’s faithfulness to and deviation from the original text and the study of mistranslation and the corresponding improvement. This paper aims to find out effective Chinese-English translation strategies of ancient Chinese prose, which can bring some insight into the translation of ancient Chinese essays and help to disseminate Chinese culture abroad.” 古代散文英译策略选择的功能语言学视角 —以《捕蛇者说》为例 * 张建秀 , 李楠楠 广州商学院,广州,中国 *通讯作者 关键词:关键词:功能语言学;语义场;投射;评价系统;《捕蛇者说》 关键词关键词:: 摘要:摘要:本文以唐宋八大家之一柳宗元的名篇《捕蛇者说》的三个英译本为语料,从功能语言 摘要摘要:: 学的相关理论——语义场、投射和评价理论出发,对古代散文名篇的三个英译本进行对比研 究,不但分析了译文对原文意义的忠实与偏离,而且对误译的产生机制与改进进行了探究。



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