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Public Relations Corporate Hospitablity 企业公关 5.1.Corporate Culture 企业文化 1. generate [ 1.mortgage[‘m?:gid?] n. 按揭,抵押贷款 vt. 抵押 1.1.Were 5.2.Company Image 公司形象 machinery [m?‘?i:n?ri] n.(总称)机器,机械 1.1.The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting-rod. 那根棒掉进机器里把连杆给打弯了。vt.剪掉,剪,剥夺 1.2.There was very little outlay on new machinery. 添置新机器的开支微乎其微。 1.3.We cant afford to have all this expensive machinery lying idle. 让所有这些机器闲置着,我们可负担不起损失。 1.4.The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。 1.5.Many new things found useful in the home have spun off from the machinery of space travel. 家庭用的许多新东西已作为宇航机械的副产品被生产出来。 1.6.Much machinery has been installed. 已经安装了许多新机器。 1.7.We have no machinery for dealing with complaints. 我们没有处理投诉的机构。 idle [‘aidl]adj.无目的的,懒惰的,闲散的; 无根据的 vt.虚度; 使空闲vi.闲逛; (机器)空转 The cowboy lives an idle life. 牛仔过着悠闲的生活。 1. inventory [inv?ntri] n.详细目录,存货(清单) vt.编制(详细目录) 1.1. I regret not completing the inventory on time. 我很遗憾没有按时填好库存单。 1.2.Some stores inventory their stock once a month. 有些商店每月盘货一次。- 2. prospect [‘pr?spekt] n.景色,希望,展望 v.探勘,寻找 2.1. I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition. 我看他的情况没有什麽改进的希望。 2.2.A rich harvest is in prospect. 丰收在望。 2.3.This experience opened a new prospect in his mind. 这一经验为他的思想开阔了新的视野。 错句:?They worried about the future prospects of rising interest rates. 订正:?They worried about the prospects of rising interest rates. 翻译:?他们对不断上涨的利率前景感到担忧。 分析:?prospects作名词指“前景”时,本身就是对未来的预测,不用加 future修饰。 3.gimmicky[gimiki] adj.耍花招的,噱头的,巧妙手法的 gimmick [gimik] n.暗机关,小发明,花招,噱头vt.用暗机关改变或影响 The pretty girl on the cover of the pictorial is just a sales gimmick. 画报的封面上印上美女不过是吸引顾客的一种生意眼。 cheer[t?i?] n.愉快,激励,欢呼 vt.加油,鼓舞,快活起来 vi.使振奋,欢呼 1.1.They cheered loudly for their football team. 他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。 1.2.He cheered up at the thought of seeing her agai


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