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The story deals with the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. David is born in England in about 1820. Davids father had died six months before he was born, and seven years later, his mother marries Mr. Edward Murdstone. David is given good reason to dislike his stepfather and has similar feelings for Mr. Murdstones sister, Jane, who moves into the house soon afterwards. Mr. Murdstone thrashes David for falling behind with his studies. Following one of these thrashings, David bites him and is sent away to a boarding school, Salem House, with a ruthless headmaster, Mr. Creakle. Here he befriends James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles, both of whom he meets again later on. David returns home for the holidays to find that his mother has had a baby boy. Soon after, David goes back to Salem House, his mother and her baby die, and David has to return home immediately. Mr. Murdstone sends him to work in a factory in London, of which Murdstone is a joint owner. The grim reality of hand-to-mouth factory existence echoes Dickens own travails in a blacking factory. His landlord, Wilkins Micawber, is sent to a debtors prison (the Kings Bench Prison) after going bankrupt, and is there for several months before being released and moving to Plymouth. David now has nobody left to care for him in London, and decides to run away. The story follows David as he grows to adulthood and is enlivened by the many well-known characters who enter, leave, and re-enter his life. 《大卫·科波菲尔》内容概括   大卫·科波菲尔尚未出世时,父亲就去世了,他在母亲及女仆的照管下长大。不久,母亲改嫁,后父摩德斯通凶狠贪婪,他把大卫看作累赘,婚前就把大卫送到了女仆的哥哥佩克提家里。佩克提是个正直善良的渔民,住在雅茅斯海边一座用破船改成的小屋里,与收养的一对孤儿艾米丽和海穆相依为命,大卫和他们一起过着清苦和睦的生活。   出于对母亲的思念,大卫又回到了后父家。然而后父不但常常责打他,甚至剥夺了母亲对他关怀和爱抚的权利。母亲去世后,后父立即就把不足10岁的大卫送去当洗刷酒瓶的童工,大卫从此过起了不能温饱的生活。他历尽艰辛,最后找到了姨婆贝西小姐。   贝西小姐生性怪僻,但心地善良。她收留了大卫,让他上学深造。大卫求学期间,寄宿在姨婆的律师威克菲尔家里,与他的女儿安妮斯结下了深厚的情谊。但大卫对威克菲尔雇用的一个名叫希普的书记极为反感,讨厌他那种阳奉阴违、曲意逢迎的丑态。   大卫中学毕业后外出旅行,邂逅了童年时代的同学斯蒂弗茨。两人一起来到雅茅斯,拜访佩克提一家。已经和海穆订婚的艾米丽经受不住阔少爷斯蒂弗茨的引诱,竟在结婚前夕与他私奔国外。佩克提痛苦万分,发誓要找回艾米丽。   大


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