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英文名著3000 本
Domesday Book and Beyond: Three
Essays in the Early History of
by F.W. Maitland
英文名著3000 本
Essay One Domesday Book
At midwinter in the year 1085 William the Conqueror
wore his crown at Gloucester and there he had deep
speech with his wise men. The outcome of that speech
was the mission throughout all England of barons,
legates or justices charged with the duty of collecting
from the verdicts of the shires, the hundreds and the vills a
descriptio of his new realm. The outcome of that mission
was the descriptio preserved for us in two manuscript
volumes, which within a century after their making had
already acquired the name of Domesday Book. The
second of those volumes,sometimes known as Little
Domesday, deals with but three counties, namely Essex,
Norfolk and Suffolk, while the first volume comprehends
the rest of England. Along with these we must place
certain other documents that are closely connected with
the grand inquest. We have in the so-called Inquisitio
英文名著3000 本
Comitatus Cantabrigiae, a copy, an imperfect copy, of the
verdicts delivered by the Cambridgeshire jurors, and this,
as we shall hereafter see, is a document of the highest
value, even though in some details it is not always very
trustworthy.(1*) We have in the so-called Inquisitio
Eliensis an account of the estates of the Abbey of Ely in
Cambridgeshire, Suffolk
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