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八年级英语单元复习归纳(8B Unit 1) Name_____ 1. Luckily, he ________ (pass) the exam. I walked _______(pass) the shop yesterday. 2. A marry B=A get/be married to B =A and B get/ be married marriage n.“结婚”, married adj.“已婚的”,get / be married; be married to sb (延续性动词)。 1) The boy ______(marry) the pretty girl and the girl is willing to marry him. 2) She has been ______(marry) to Mr. Wang. 3) They are going to get ______(marry) on New Year’s Day. They _________ for 10 years. 他们结婚10年了。 3.他实现了他的梦想。______________________________________________ 4. own adj.“自己的”,my own story=a story of my own 我有我自己的房间。______________________________=____________________________ 5. A _____(recent) report says that few murder has happened _______(recent) 6、lonely, 1)、作表语,表示心灵内部的孤独寂寞。alone指单独、独自的意思,作表语。 He is _____, but he never feels ______. 7、 A thief’s wife used a knife on the shelf and half a leaf to kill a wolf. 变为复数。 ________________________________________________________________________ 13、__________n.采访、会见 have an interview with sb. vt. 对….进行面试,采访 interview sb. interviewer 采访者. These _______(interview) ________(interview) the stars. communicate with sb. 和某人交流= have __________ with sb. have no communication with sb.和某人没有交流 You should __________with your classmates often. 15、from time to time =sometimes = at times不时,有时,偶尔 我有时候能考100分。I am able to get 100 points___________________________ 16、 过去的时间点 since 1990, since last year 现在完成时+ since + 时间段+ago since three years ago 句子(一般过去时) since I went to school I________(buy) the house since I______(be) twenty years old. 17、over ①在……期间 _______ the 10 years 在10年间 ②超过 He is _______ 30 years old. 他超过30岁了。 ③从一边到另一边 jump ______ the chair 跳过椅子 ④下课了结束 Class is_________. ⑤遍及全世界__________________________ 18、turn; 他们把这个地方变成了大电影院。__________________________________________ 19、waste [C] 浪费 Watching TV


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