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2011, 45( 1) : 41~ 44 /, ! 4 1! 厍大亮, 李 冬 ( , 730046) [] 2010 - 02- 28 []A [] 1002 - 1280( 2011) 01- 0041- 04 [ ] S859. 797 [ ] 灭活疫苗仍然是当前防控口蹄疫使用的主要疫苗, 因此研究灭活疫苗生产工艺 有 非常重要的现实意义详细论述了口蹄疫灭活疫苗生产过程, 并对近年来生产工艺方面的 一些 研究进展做了简要介绍 [] 口蹄疫灭活疫苗; 生产工艺; 质量控制 D escrip tion on Foot andM outh D isease V accine P rodu ction P rocess SHE Da- lian , LI Don (Key Laboratory of Animal Virology of M inistry of Agriculture, N ationalFoot- and- mouth D iseaseRef erence Laboratory of China, StateKey Laboratory of Veterinary tiolog ic B iology, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730046; China) A bstract: Inactivated vaccines are still the main vaccines in FMD control pro ramm es. Developm ent of inactivated vaccine a ainst foot and mouth disease is of reat realistic si n ificance. The article D iscussed in detail the production process of FMD inactivated vaccines and review ed the advanced stud ies on the mi portant steps to develop FMD inactivated vaccines. K ey words: inactivated foot- and- mouth d isease vaccines; process; quality control ( FMD ) , , , , , , 37 , , [ 1], [ 2] 1 EDTA - , - 1. 1 细胞培养 BHK - 2 1 1962, , 30 mL FMD , , , FMD, - BHK - 21 , , , 1 6 1 12, 1 7 BHK - 21 , 1 9 1. 1. 1 转瓶培养 , , : ( 1979- ), , , , , : E - m ail: lidon paul@ yahoo. com. cn ! 42!


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