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. .. . .. 软件工程课程设计报告 题 目 城市网约车系统的分析与设计 院 系 班 级 组 长 组 员 . .. . .. 摘 要 科技的进步衍生了一系列新兴的行业,网约车便是这些衍生物里的一种,它为人们的出行带来了方便,这种便捷,使得网约车的市场在短时间内蔓延出巨大的规模,恶意收费、脏乱的车内环境、不法分子的作案等负面产物也成为了人们担忧的因素;而目前一锅好汤里面的老鼠却依然存在,并且逍遥法外,腐朽如果不处理将导致正常态被波及从而被感染,手段有不少,而以一种良性的,最为有效且成本较小的是一种容易存活且被社会接受度高的一个理念,在系统前期的问题考虑中这些都已包括。 网约车车诚信系统中主要容纳的有:网约车系统管理员、车主、乘客四种人物。与之一一对应的功能详情,网约车系统诚信管理员:系统内的全部功能,车主:操纵自己的录入修改信息功能,乘客:操纵登录账户的数据信息,观车主的私密的以外信息,其余略。包含的技术:java语言去书写服务器端的功能,以EXT为基石描绘出绚丽的页面图像,以SpringMVC框架为桥梁管道连接服务器与页面,以ibatis框架为另一管道通向数据库,采用大家普遍接受却也性能较优的mysql作为数据储藏的仓库。工欲善其事必先利其器,性能较好的工具可以让整个系统的功能的书写,及页面亲和力有较强的展示,思维的区域定位使得我的选择成了如此:jdk1.7,ecplice,WEB容器tomcat用7.0版本。 合理性是系统寿命且保持活力年轻的必要因素,系统的惩罚制度在考虑到惩戒的本质即:惩戒的力度问题,如果力度太大,那么用户的减少速率可想而知,而反其道行之,惩戒本身有未有成果,在权衡之中系统采用交通法律法规这一硬性却又不受排斥的标准。 【关键词】: 社会需求;方便;java,springMVC;快捷;诚信;价格合理 ABSTRACT he progress of science and technology derived from a series of new industry, network about cars is one of these derivatives, brings convenience for people to travel to this, it is convenient, the network about the car market spread a huge scale in a short period of time, malicious charges, dirty car environment, criminals crime the negative product has become a factor of concern; therefore an effective regulatory scheme is essential. Network about car management system is to achieve such a solution to the problem of a superior method. This system adopts B/S structure development model: the server and the browser mode, this is a lot of memory resources and efficient mode of operation does not require users to rely on the browser will be able to complete the desired operation. The background of the development of the Java language, the main function is to: customer orders, customer complaints and suggestions of operation, information input driver, access control function of each role, regulators to view the driver information and exposure function; the front interface using the EXT framework, combined with the native JS and jquery, Simplify the HTML and some of the higher reusability of the


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