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* Respiratory Disease – Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 呼吸系统疾病-猪肺炎支原体 Bob Morrison DVM, MBA, PhD Swine Group University of Minnesota 明尼苏达大学 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 猪肺炎支原体 Transmission is primarily by direct contact with carrier swine. 传播的主要途径是与病原携带猪的直接接触。 Airborne transmission possible 经呼吸道传播使感染成为可能 Any age pig is susceptible to infection. 所有日龄的猪都易感。 Maintained in herds by sow (primarily parity 1,2) to suckling pig contact. 在猪群中通过母猪(主要是第一、二产次母猪)与哺乳仔猪 接触导致其持续存在。 Primary clinical problem is in growing pigs, 3 to 6 months old 主要临床问题出现在3到6月龄的生长猪群身上 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 猪肺炎支原体 Long incubation period – 10 to 16 weeks 长潜伏期-10-16周 Slow spread 缓慢传播 Large numbers present in the early stages of disease 大量的病例出现于疾病的早期阶段。 Disease onset is gradual – coughing for weeks to months 疾病的发病是渐进性的——咳嗽可持续数周到数月 Disease course is markedly affected by concurrent or secondary infections 疾病的进程明显受并发或继发感染的影响 High variation in virulence 病原毒力差异很大 What does M.hyopneumoniae do? 猪肺炎支原体有什么影响? Colonizes tracheal epithelium 病原定居于气管上皮细胞 Destroys cilia in tracheobronchi, interferes with clearance mechanisms 摧毁气管、支气管上皮的纤毛,干扰气管的清除机制 Interferes with macrophage activity 干扰了巨噬细胞活性 Mononuclear peribronchial infiltration 单核细胞在支气管周围浸润 Produces lesions of pneumonia 造成肺炎的病变 May be severe in susceptible animals 对易感动物可能有严重后果 Produces slight ? ADG 导致猪平均日增重的轻微下降 Allows bacterial superinfections --Pasteurella, Strep, Actinobacillus 易发生细菌的双重感染——巴氏杆菌、链球菌、放线菌 Immunohistochemical stain 免疫组化染色 Diagnosis 诊断 Gross lesions in lungs – 肺部的眼观病变 well-demarcated, anteroventral, especially early in disease (7- 28 days) 界线分明、前腹叶、特别是在病变早期 Histopathology 组织病理学 Specific and recognizable lesions 特异性和可辨识的病变 Distinguish from SIV 与猪流感相区别 Detection of organism by PCR, frozen section FA, immunohistochemistry, culture 通过聚合酶链式反应检测病原、冰冻切片的荧光抗体检测、免疫组织化学、病原培养 Serology 血清学 Mhyp Histopathology 组织病理学 Diagnosis 诊断 Culture is difficu


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