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個人投資取向問卷 Client Investment Profile Questionnaire (Individual) 姓名 Name: 賬戶號碼 Account No: 本問卷旨在幫助我們確定和評估 閣下的風險取向、投資經驗和是否具備場外衍生工具知識。我們將會根據 閣下所提供的資料 ,評估 閣下是否了解個 別投資產品的性質和風險,本問卷共分為兩部份。聯名賬戶的每名賬戶持有人須各自填寫本問卷This Questionnaire aims to help us establish and assess your risk profile, investment experience and knowledge in the OTC derivatives. Based on the information provided, we can assess whether you are knowledgeable in the characteristics and risk of relevant investment products, this questionnaire is divided into two parts. For joint account, each account holder is required to complete this questionnaire separately. 第一部分 Part 1 :風險取向Risk Profile 此部分收集 閣下之財務狀況、投資態度及投資經驗以評估閣下對風險的承受能力 。請在適當的方格內加上()並回答全部10 條問題 。This part collects information about you including your financial situation, investment attitude and investment experience in order to help you assess your risk tolerance level. Please tick (√) the appropriate one and fill in all 10 questions. 1 您的年齡是?What is your age?  A. 超過65 歲 Over 65 (1)  B. 46 – 65 歲 (2)  C. 36 – 45 歲 (3)  D. 18 – 35 歲 (4) 2 投資產品價值下跌對您有何影響?How would a decline in the value of your investments affect you?  A. 我的主要目標是保本,不願意接受投資於任何時候有任何虧損。I am not willing to accept any declines at any point in time as (1) capital preservation is


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