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33 2                           Vol. 33 No. 2 2004 3                   . 2004 Journal of China Univ rsity of Mining T chnology Mar : 1000-1964( 2004) 02-0 141-04 许家林, 钱鸣高 ( ,  22 1008) : 岩层采动裂隙分布的研究与水体下和承压水上采煤、卸压瓦斯抽放、离层区充填与开采沉 控制等工程问题紧密相关.通过试验与理论分析,对岩层移动过程中的覆岩采动裂隙动态发育 特征及其影响因素进行了深入研究.结果证明: 覆岩关键层对离层及裂隙的产生、发展与时空分 布起控制作用.基于关键层破断前后采动裂隙动态发育特性与差异,提出了“覆岩离层分区隔离 充填减沉法”和卸压瓦斯抽放的“O”形圈理论,并分别应用于我国不迁村采煤试验和卸压煤层气 开采实践. : 关键层理论; 采动裂隙; 离层区充填; 卸压煤层气开采; 绿色开采 : TD 325; TD 713  : A Study and Application of Mining-Induc d Fractur Distribution in Gr n Mining XU Jia-lin, Q IAN Ming-gao ( School of Min ral and En rgy R sourc s, CUM T , Xuzhou, Jiangsu 22 1008, China) Abstract: Th study of mining-induc d fractur distributions is clos ly r lat d to som mining ngin ring probl ms such as mining und r or abov wat r bodi s, r li v d coalb d m than drainag , ov rburd n b d s paration grouting and mining subsid nc control tc. By m ans of xp rim nts and th or tical analysis, th dynamic distributions and its influ nc factors of th mining-induc d fractur s w r studi d. Th r sults show that th k y strata control th m rg nc , d v lopm nt and spac -tim distribution of th ov rburd n b d s parations and fractur s. Bas d on th dynamic distribution charact ristics of th mining-induc d fractur s, th m thod of isolat d s ction grouting for th ov rburd n b d s paration spac to r duc subsid nc and th O-shap d circl th ory for r li v d-m than drainag w r propos d, and th y hav b n appli d r sp ctiv ly in som coal min s in China to r duc mining subsid nc and to drain r li v d m than . Key words: k y stratum th ory in ground control; mining-induc d fractur s; ov rbur



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