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中国环境科学 2018,38(10) :3755~3760 China Environmental Science 孔板与文丘里组合空化杀灭水中病原微生物 * 杨 杰,董志勇 ,柳文菁,李大庆,张邵辉,黄大伟 (浙江工业大学建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州 310023) 摘要:利用水力学实验室自主研发的多孔板与文丘里管组合式水力空化装置来杀灭原水中的病原微生物.以水体中大肠杆菌和菌落总数为指示菌,用平 板计数法测得不同工况下的大肠杆菌和菌落总数的杀灭率,研究了空化数、孔口排布、孔口数量、运行时间、原水配比浓度、喉部长短对病原微生物 杀灭率的影响.试验结果表明:提高孔口流速和喉部流速、延长运行时间、降低空化数、增多孔口数量、改进孔口排布、选取合适配比浓度、延长喉部 长度可以提高大肠杆菌和菌落总数的杀灭率.水力空化是一种无消毒副产物、安全、高效的饮用水消毒新技术,具有潜在的应用前景. 关键词:圆孔多孔板;文丘里管;水力空化;大肠杆菌;菌落总数;杀灭率 中图分类号:X523 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6923(2018)10-3755-06 Killing pathogenic microorganism in raw water by hydrodynamic cavitation due to orifice plates and venturi. YANG Jie, * DONG Zhi-yong , LIU Weng-jing, LI Da-qing, ZHANG Shao-hui, HUANG Da-wei (College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China). China Environmental Science, 2018,38(10):3755~3760 Abstract :A self-developed hydrodynamic cavitation device with combinations of circular multi-orifice plates with Venturi tubes from the Hydraulics Laboratory at Zhejiang University of Technology was used to kill pathogenic microorganisms in raw water. Its effect was manifested by detecting the killing rate of E. coli and total colony count. The killing rates of E.coli and total colony count under the different working conditions were detected by plate counting method. The effects of cavitation number, orifice arrangement, orifice number, cavitation time, raw water percentage, throat length on the killing rates of pathogenic microorganism were analyzed. The experimental results showed that increasing orifice velocity and orifice number, prolonging cavitation time, lowering cavitation number, increasing the number of orifices, improving orifices arrangement and choosing appropriate raw water percentage and extending the throat length, could increase the killing rates of


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