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More On Assumptions 1. -The data collected should exhibit stability when plotted on a control chart -Cpk of the unstable process may be representative of the historical performance of the process and not necessarily indicative of the ability of te process to meet the specs in the longer term 2. Because- Cpk for the non normal process misrepresents the process due to the effect that non normality has some estimation 3. Specification limits used for calculating Cpk may be arbitrary Cpk may be good, quality of product could be bad Cpk may be bad, quality of product could be good Specs may be “best guesses” or based on process Changing specs causes Cpk to change, while the performance of the process in unchanged. More on Assumptions 4. The target needs to be the center of the spec limits If the target is not the center of the spec limits, then the process mean must be located in the interval {target-(spec range)/6} to {target+(spec range)/6} 5. The measurements variation in the values used for calculating the Cpk must be small relative to the specific process capability for the parameter being measured. If the measurement variation is comparatively large, then the Cpk may not be indicative. Because Cpk will be including this variation, which is not related to the ability of thew process to meet the specifications * Definition of Terms Capability - The ability of a process to produce parts within specification. A process is said to be capable when nearly all parts produced by the process are within specification. Process Capability Indices - Measures of the capability of a process. X - The average of a sample of data, - The sample standard deviation S USL, LSL = Upper and Lower specification x x n i = ? s x x n i = - ? - ( ) 2 1 Cp - = USL LSL s 6 Cpk X s X s = é ? ê ù ? ú minimum , USL - 3 - LSL 3 Why use Cpk? Cpk .5 .75 .9 1.0 1.15 1.30 1.33 1.5 2 3 % or ppm 13% 2.4% 0.7% 2700 ppm 561 ppm 96 ppm 66 ppm 7 ppm 2 ppb 1 ppb Single number summary of proc


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