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议题议题 I:I :文物保护与回归文物保护与回归 议题议题 II ::文物保护与回归文物保护与回归 ECOSOC DESCRIPTIO OF THE COMMITTEE The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) oversees (监督)the economic and social work undertaken within the UN system. Member countries debate economic and social issues. And many different UN organizations that address (处理)these issues report to ECOSOC. Unlike the General Assembly, which includes all 192 member states, ECOSOC has only 54 members. Member states are elected (选举)by the General Assembly, and are selected as to represent respective (各自的)regions of the world. They serve three-year terms (任期). Members draft (起草)and vote on resolutions to address global concerns, and each resolution requires a simple majority (简单多数)to pass. TOPIC: THE PROTECTIO AD RETUR OF CULTURAL ARTIFACTS TO THEIR COUTRIES OF ORIGI (文(文物保护与回归物保护与回归)) ((文文物保护与回归物保护与回归)) ITRODUCTIO Culture has a profound (深远的) influence on national identity (认同感). It is a basis (基础)for mutual understanding (相互的理解) within a society. It defines civilizations and is passed down to generations. Works of art, architecture (建筑), religious icons (宗教的圣像)and even stories and songs provide insight (了 into civilizations including our own. However cultural heritage (文化遗产)can be fragile. Art works become 解) more difficult to preserve (保护)as they become old, and when poems or stories are passed down through generations, there is a risk for them being forgotten. For several decades, the United Nations has placed special emphasis on preserving cultural heritage around the world. UN Member States have condemned cultural looting (掠夺), or stealing, and


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