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( )21 From the ______expression on the poor man’s face, we can know that the price of meat must have risen. A disappointed B disappointing C encouraged D encouraging ( ) 22 The building _______ in our school is for our teacher.Though there’s noise most of the day, we still fee happy about it.A built B having been built C to be built D being built A D ( )23 ---- _____ we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better? --- I can’t agree more.我非常同意 A What about =how about+v-ing B What if + 从句 假若,倘使 C What for=why D What B ( ) 24 ______be sent to the West to take charge of the engineer? A Do you suggest who should B Do you suggest whom should C Who do you suggest (should) D Who do you suggest that should C ( ) 25 _____the injuries to his face and hands, he had both of his legs broken. A Beside B Despite C Because of D Apart from=besides =in addition ( )26 The State Council has _____ a new economic policy on the benefit of the farmers. A put up B put forward C put off D put out D B ( ) 27 This nurse is very busy and she has five patients to ______ in the hospital at the same time. A attend to B be attended C take care D be looked after ( )28 It is Tom rather than=instead of his parents that ________. A are blamed B are to blame C is blamed D is to blame A D = take care of 小心,保重 ( ) 29---When did he leave the meeting room? ---- He left _______ you turned back to drink some water. A for the moment目前,暂时 B at the moment 此刻,此时 C the moment 一……就…… D in a moment 一会后 C ( ) 30 The new hospital near our school is well ________ the way to being finished. A in 挡路,碍事 B by 顺便问一下 C on 在路上,在途中 D at ( )31 You should think twice before making the decision. Don’t _____ to conclusions. A come 得到结论 B draw C arrive D jump匆匆下结论标 make a conclusion=draw a conclusion作结论 C D ( ) 32 Only that factory ______ yesterday _______ this kind of machines. A we visited, produces


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