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PAGE 第四组 A Last year,my mum and I joined my dad in California during the summer vacation.We visited two famous amusement parks of Los Angeles—Universal Studio and San Diego Sea World. In Universal Studio,I saw how rain,car crash,air crash effects are created for movies.I also saw the sets where Spider Man movies are made.I saw Mr Bean’s car.We also experienced a live show of Fear Factor.There we enjoyed a ride about the Jurassic Park. Then we visited the San Diego Sea World where we saw a lot of dolphin shows and one show by “Shamu”—the famous shark.We also had a 4D movie experience in the “Haunted House”.We saw an effect where a snake seemed to strike out of the screen and come into the audience.We enjoyed a simulated helicopter(模拟直升机) ride to the Antarctic Glaciers(南极冰川). Then my vacation time was over and we had to fly back so that I could go to school.I couldn’t help myself and started to cry.I remembered all the good time I had with my parents.I asked my mother to extend our stay,but she insisted(坚持) that going back to school was more important.This is how my story of my happiest vacation ended. (C)1.Universal Studio is a place to    .? A.make cars B.make planes C.make movies D.watch movies (D)2.Which movie isn’t mentioned in the passage? A.Spider Man. B.Mr Bean. C.Jurassic Park. D.Rush Hour. (B)3.What did they see in the 4D movie? A.Dolphin shows. B.Snake. C.A helicopter. D.Antarctic Glaciers. (B)4.What does the underlined word “extend” mean in Chinese? A.提供 B.延长 C.拓展 D.给予 B “Red envelop” fever has swept the country recently.Cash(支付金额) can be sent through electronic payments.Children can get more money than before.But everyone needs to understand something about money:where it comes from,how to save it and how to spend it wisely.Too many parents don’t take time to teach their children about money,and as a result,many of those children don’t know how to deal with money when they grow up. When should parents begin teaching their children about money?Experts a



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