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word文档整理分享 参考资料 Top University In The World 1.Cambridge University 2.Harvard University 3.Yale University4.University College London5.Massachusetts Institute of Technology6.University of Oxford 7.Imperial College London8.University of Chicago9.California Institute of Technology10.Princeton University ¢?●??? Cambridge University – England Also known as Cambridge University is located in the United Kingdom in the city of Cambridge. The university is celebrating its 800th year. It is recognized as the second oldest university in the English-speaking world. Cambridge was first established in 1209 by academicians who had left Oxford. It is the leading university in Europe when it comes to academics. They have also produced 88 Nobel Prize winners. Cambridge is a public university. To date, they have an administrative staff of 8,614 and an enrollment of 18,396 students. Among the notable alumni of Cambridge University include Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Francis Bacon, Francis Crick and James D. Watson (DNA model), Oliver Cromwell, and Lord Alfred Tennyson just to name a few. 2 Harvard University – USA 哈佛大学被誉为美国政府的思想库。这里先后诞生了八位美国总统,40位诺贝尔奖得主和30位普利策奖得主。 Established by the legislature of Massachusetts in 1636, Harvard University is a private university in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is named after John Harvard, its first benefactor. Originally a college that trained clergy, the curriculum and the students became more secular during the eighteenth century. Not only is Harvard recognized as one of the oldest establishments for higher learning, it also is the first corporation formed in the United States. At present, the academic staff numbers 2,107; the administrative staff compose of 2,497 non-medical and 10,674 medical; their student total population currently is at 21,125. Many of Harvard’s past graduates have included a handful of American presidents and political leaders: John Hancock, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theo



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